

If you have a very large business premise or event location where many visitors come, it is useful to use signage. You can do this with static signs, but digital signage is the right solution to make it more attractive. You can use signage on digital signage screens to guide and inform visitors about a location and the route to specific destinations within a building or at an event. Visitors can find their way quickly and easily through interactive maps and plans. In addition, somebody can use the signage to share important information such as opening times, events, and special offers.

Digital signage is eye-catching and dynamic, attracting the attention of visitors. Digital signage screens offer the possibility to update the content in real-time and ad-hoc so that visitors always receive up-to-date information. Using digital signage screens improves navigation and information provision, creating a better visitor experience. Our digital signage system can contribute to the signage in the building as an information system and the safety of visitors and staff. In addition to signage, there is much other content to share on the screens. The advantages of our digital signage system are:

With our user-friendly software, it is possible to place signage on screens. Someone can adapt the content online and share it at certain times. The hardware turns on and off automatically on the desired days and times. In addition, the screen is equipped with a built-in media player and has been developed to be operational longer per day to make it simple and user-friendly for customers. More information about signage on narrowcasting screens? Contact us, and we will be happy to help you!

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Why DS Templates?

DS Templates makes digital signage easy. DS Templates is extremely suitable for optimizing communication to employees and visitors. We prepare templates in company identity for you to be able to communicate quickly in accordance with your company identity. This with an eye for detail, with professional content and user-friendliness being our primary goal.

What makes DS Templates a good system?

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